Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Reflection of Hillary’s Women’s Rights Problem

Kaidi Wu
Final Draft
Jan 26, 2011

Reflection of Hillary’s Women’s Rights Problem
            Hillary Clinton is the 67th Secretary of State. She is famous because of her statement for women that women’s rights are human rights. However, Hillary Clinton is a very controversial political figure. She has been fighting for women’s rights since the day she was the Secretary of State. Nonetheless, there are many people who disagree with her idea of increasing women’s economic opportunities. Women’s rights organizations are one of the objectors. People are worried that women are getting exploited from “ sweatshop” owners. They think the way of Hillary is doing to help women is putting them at a risk of getting low paid salary, and the idea of increasing women’s economic opportunities is just another form of encouraging sweatshop owners to hire more women work force but do not pay them equally. Although, Hillary maintains that to let women work is a way to increase finance around the world, and the economic growth is prerequisite conditions to make women benefit equal rights. Some objectors believe that women are the rights holders; the only way to make the economy grow is giving more rights to women. The author also talks about the way of how to invest in women; education was one way that was mentioned in the article. People believe that the higher education women have, the chance of getting a job is higher.
            As I am also reading this article, I think Clinton’s idea is not entirely wrong like other objectors said. Economy is the primary task for a country, and to make an economy grow you always have to sacrifice something. It would be either slow economic growth or low paid work force. China is a very good example. Thirty years ago, China was still a slowly developing country. However, the low cost of work force brought many foreign investments to the country, and now China is the fastest developing country in the world. The sustained fast economic growth has never been rivaled in history. I am sure there were many people sacrificed during these years, but the result of this movement is something we cannot deny. As the saying goes, you can't have your cake and eat it too. We cannon have them at the same time; it would either be economy grow or women’s rights. From the long-term benefitsa faster growing economy will only help women to get their rights faster. Why women feel more unequal in developing country than less in developed country, because in developed, women can get more financial support to achieve their dreams. In contrast, I believe a developing country will worry about more substantive problem, such as food shortage. In short, to achieve women’s full rights is still a long way to go, but as long as people are taking step by step the goal of being equal is still reachable.

Sridharan, Vishnu. "Hillar'ys Women's Rights Problem."huffingtonpost. (2012): n. page. Web. 30 Jan. 2012. <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/vishnu-sridharan/hillarys-womens rights-pr_b_1201998.html>.


  1. After read your blog, I feel I found a bosom friend. I almost had the same ideas with you. We all agree women need to sacrifice something to get their rights. In this case, low wages is the sacrifice. But you explain China’s example more clearly than me. Keep going.
