Thursday, February 16, 2012

Reflection of “ Women in Saudi Arabia to vote and run in elections”

Kaidi Wu
Feb 15, 2011

Reflection of “ Women in Saudi Arabia to vote and run in elections”
            According to the article “Women in Saudi Arabia to vote and run in elections”, King Abdullah made his speech that women in Saudi Arabia are able to vote in their municipal elections. Women in Saudi Arabia welcomed this announcement. Many people think this is a big move and development for a very strict country where like Saudi Arabia is very conspicuous. Emily Buchanan says that this reform will help to achieve women’s rights more or less. However, people who are against these actions are conservative clerics and some people of the royal family.
            Letting women to have the rights to vote is a good sign of reforming. First, it has shown Kind Abdullah’s resolution of achieving the equal rights. In this civilized society women to be equaled is not only a global goal to achieve, but it also helps a country’s economy grow. Secondly, women and men have different way of think and doing things. Women are tended to be perceptual, and men are tended to be rational. However, sometimes men could be too tight to following the regulations. If women are able to run as candidates, it will help Saudi Arabia’s government to be more flexible and efficient. Therefor, fundamentalists still think idealized pass is better than nowadays, but equality between men and women is a must. Overall, to achieve this goal is a long way to go, but as time goes by, people will see the benefits of this movement.

"Women in Saudi Arabia to vote and run in elections."BBC News. (2011): n. page. Print. <>.

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